Your Company
Meet the Amazing Candidates
Andrea Leon
Director of Operations

Tamarindo, Costa Rica

Listen to the Highlights (click to listen)
Total listen time: 00:03:51
1 min, 7 sec
1 min, 7 sec | Summary

El candidato actualmente es el administrador de operaciones de Tamarindo Coffee Roasters, donde se encarga de supervisar las tareas diarias de la operación, incluyendo la tostadora de café y la cafetería. La empresa vende café al detalle y a granel, cubriendo necesidades de café local, nacional e internacional, principalmente en Estados Unidos y Canadá. Su responsabilidad es asegurar que todo funcione correctamente, incluyendo los procesos de venta, atención al cliente y proveedores, para que todo sea efectivo y sin problemas.

59 sec
59 sec | Summary

El candidato disfruta del ambiente dinámico del trabajo en el mundo del café, que es una nueva área de la gastronomía para él. Le apasiona el arte del café y la interacción con los clientes que también son entusiastas del café. Además, le fascina la parte sensorial del trabajo, ya que constantemente está siendo estimulado por diferentes tipos de café y las tendencias a nivel mundial. El candidato compara el mundo del café con el del vino y los quesos, destacando la amplia variedad y oportunidades que ofrece como carrera, lo que lo hace sumamente interesante y apasionante.

1 min, 5 sec
1 min, 5 sec | Summary

El candidato tiene una amplia experiencia en la industria de alimentos y bebidas, habiendo trabajado en restaurantes como chef ejecutivo y en aperturas de restaurantes en diferentes países como Estados Unidos y Costa Rica. Además, ha estado involucrado en el servicio de catering y en programas educativos enfocados en la gastronomía y la mejora de la alimentación de los niños a nivel escolar. Aunque tiene experiencia en el mundo de la gastronomía, esta sería su primera incursión en el negocio del café, lo cual representa un nuevo desafío dentro de la misma rama gastronómica.

40 sec
40 sec | Summary

El candidato está interesado en el puesto porque desea desarrollar sus habilidades en un ámbito global, específicamente en los mercados de comercio electrónico a nivel internacional. Busca experimentar y aprender sobre tendencias internacionales y el mercado global, expandiendo su enfoque más allá del ámbito local y adentrándose en el ámbito global.

About Andrea Leon:

Andrea actualmente trabaja como administradora de operaciones en Tama Coffee Roasters, donde se encarga de las operaciones diarias, incluyendo la tostadora de café y la cafetería. La empresa se dedica a satisfacer las necesidades de café local y nacional, así como a ventas internacionales en Estados Unidos y Canadá.

Ella asegura que los procesos de venta, atención al cliente y proveedores funcionen sin problemas. Su parte favorita de su trabajo actual es que se encuentra en un ambiente dinámico y apasionante, ya que el mundo del café es similar al del vino o los quesos en cuanto a variedad y oportunidades de carrera. Anteriormente, Andrea trabajó en la industria de alimentos y bebidas, principalmente en restaurantes, y también en programas de gastronomía educativa para niños. Esta es su primera experiencia en el mundo del café, que considera una rama diferente dentro del ámbito gastronómico.

Andra está interesada en el puesto ofrecido porque desea desarrollar sus habilidades con un enfoque más global, incursionando en los mercados de comercio electrónico a nivel internacional. Su objetivo actual es expandir sus conocimientos sobre las tendencias internacionales y el mercado global, pasando de lo local a lo global.

coffee roasting operations manager growing roasting retail distribution ecommerce coffee production asado café operaciones gerente de personas produccion de cafe venta minorista comercio electrónico distribución recursos humanos Costa Rica Pura Vida cultivo more... tamarindo operationes marketing operations leadership
Meet the Amazing Candidates
Andy Riabokin
Sales Manager

Los Angeles, CA

Listen to the Highlights (click to listen)
Total listen time: 00:01:37
33 sec
33 sec | Summary

The candidate currently works in the HR tech space and reports to the Chief Revenue Officer. They began at the company three years ago with a sales quota of one million dollars, which they successfully met. The following year, their quota was raised to three million dollars, and they exceeded it by achieving 120% of the target. In the current year, they have a quota of five million dollars. The candidate is the top-performing salesperson among ten others in their team.

34 sec
34 sec | Summary

The candidate has extensive experience with technology and is particularly adept at using Salesforce, a CRM system often utilized by sales teams. They emphasize their proficiency in data hygiene and their ability to handle a large volume of leads. They also mentioned an ability to adapt and learn new technologies quickly, suggesting that they are flexible and can easily adjust to different tech stacks. While they mentioned that marketing uses Mailchimp in their current role, they did not elaborate on their personal experience with this tool.

30 sec
30 sec | Summary

The candidate expressed interest in the job due to the opportunity to work directly with the hiring manager, who they believe could provide valuable learning experiences. They've been impressed by the manager's approach to addressing market challenges as outlined in the job description. The chance to meet and potentially work under the Chief Revenue Officer also motivates the candidate, indicating their eagerness to learn and grow in this role.

About Andy Riabokin:

Andy is currently working in the HR tech space, reporting to the Chief Revenue Officer, and is a successful salesperson with a current sales quota of five million dollars. Andy started with a one million dollar quota three years ago and has consistently exceeded his quotas, achieving 120% of his three million dollar quota last year. He is adept at using Salesforce and maintains excellent data hygiene. Despite being a salesperson, he is open to learning new technology. His interest in the new job opportunity was piqued by the chance to work with the hiring manager and the innovative strategies for going to market. He believes that he could learn a lot from this manager and is excited about the potential for personal growth.

  • Reports to the Chief Revenue Officer in current role in HR tech space
  • Started with a one million dollar quota, currently has a five million dollar quota
  • Achieved 120% of three million dollar quota last year
  • Experienced with Salesforce and maintains good data hygiene
  • Willing to learn any new technology stack
Interest in new opportunity
  • Attracted by the chance to work with the hiring manager
  • Impressed by the innovative strategies for going to market
  • Excited about the potential for personal growth and learning

tenacity sales mailchimp salesforce CRM Sales management motivations Quota SDR HRTech leadership #1 rep
Meet the Amazing Candidates
Jonathan Jacobs
Psychiatric Nurse

Austin, TX

Listen to the Highlights (click to listen)
Total listen time: 00:02:42
32 sec
32 sec | Summary

The candidate expressed interest in the hospital because it is a for-profit entity serving underutilized communities, indicating his commitment to providing healthcare in areas where it is most needed. He also appreciated the teaching aspect of the hospital, suggesting a desire to both learn and contribute to the education of others in the nursing field. Furthermore, he was attracted to the hospital's adolescent and adult psychiatric wings, showing an interest in mental health care and openness to working with different age groups in the future.

34 sec
34 sec | Summary

The candidate finds his work as a psychiatric nurse fulfilling due to the variety and uniqueness of each day. He has expressed concern about the lack of resources in the mental health field, particularly for children. He is motivated by a desire to contribute to a solution, aiming to provide intervention and assistance to children from an early age to prevent future mental health problems. His passion for his specialty and advocating for mental health resources is evident.

35 sec
35 sec | Summary

The candidate is a psychiatric nurse with a certification and experience in safe procedures for handling patients who may pose a risk to themselves or others. He's currently in the process of obtaining his certified psychiatric nurse license, a process that requires two years of on-the-job experience and 2000 hours of nursing, followed by a licensure test. He has reached the one and a half year mark in this process and anticipates completing the requirements within the next year.

1 min, 1 sec
1 min, 1 sec | Summary

The candidate described a recent memorable experience with a seventeen-year-old patient named Josh. The patient exhibited severe symptoms, showing no response despite multiple medical interventions. After electro control therapy was implemented, the team was impressed to see a significant improvement in the patient's condition. Josh moved from a non-responsive state to speaking sentences and taking oral medication. The candidate found it particularly rewarding to see this transformation and the hope it brought to the patient's parents. This experience demonstrated his ability to adapt to new treatment methods and his commitment to patient care.

About Jonathan Jacobs:

Jonathan expressed deep interest in the hospital due to its non-profit status, focus on underutilized communities, and its standing as a teaching hospital. They were particularly intrigued by the presence of both adolescent and adult psychiatric wings, hinting at potential future career development. Jonathan conveyed passion for their role as a psychiatric nurse, acknowledging it as a critical and underutilized specialty in the healthcare sector.

He emphasized the need for early intervention in children's mental health to prevent future complications. Jonathan's professional affiliations include a certification in Holds, a safety technique used in situations where patients are a risk to themselves or others. Furthermore, they are in the process of acquiring a Certified Psychiatric Nurse license, which demands two thousand hours of nursing, a minimum of two years on the job, and passing a licensure test. Jonathan is optimistic about completing this certification within the next year.

A memorable patient experience for Jonathan involved a seventeen-year-old patient who dramatically improved after undergoing electroconvulsive therapy. This was a profound experience for Jonathan, as they saw the patient transition from a non-responsive state to speaking sentences and taking oral medication. They found it deeply rewarding to witness the patient's parents regain hope for their son's recovery. This experience reflects Jonathan's commitment to patient care and determination to provide effective mental health solutions.

Passion and Interest
  • Interest in serving underutilized communities and teaching
  • Appreciation of the hospital's psychiatric wings
  • Passion for psychiatric nursing and mental health
  • Emphasis on the importance of early intervention in mental health
Professional Affiliations and Goals
  • Process of obtaining certified psychiatric nurse license
Patient Care
  • Memorable experience of patient recovery through electro control therapy
  • Commitment to providing hope to patients and their families

CPI nurse registered nurse psychiatric psychiatry urgent care emergency room patient experience mental health nursing psychiatric nurse certifications